Coaching has grown -and keeps growing exponentially- in the past 10 years. According to John LaRosa from Market Research, the industry's market value is expected to $1.34 billion by 2022 — or a 6.7% average yearly growth rate from 2016 to 2022.
Why would a new industry grow so quickly?
Cause it works!
How does it work? It's simple and we will break it down further in a bit. But, in a nutshell, coaching works because it's customized to the client and the client - YOU - have all the answers. Your Life Coach is here to create a partnership with you through open dialog that helps you reach these answers.
Coaching in NOT Therapy OR Counseling
This is usually the biggest confusion about coaching. Coaching and counseling/therapy are NOT the same. The focus in coaching is usually personal and spiritual growth, identifying and achieving future goals, business strategy, breaking down those negative habits that hold us back in life suck as negative self-talk and self doubt, among so many others.
Coaches do not treat or diagnose mental health issues. Here at Seizing Happy, if we feel a client is in need of a mental health professional we will help in finding one suited to the client’s needs. But coaching is not therapy.
As coaches, we listen, empower, and encourage you find the answers within you. After all, no one out there can know your heart’s desires better than you can.
Past vs. Persent
Other forms of one-on-one sessions such as counseling or therapy often focus on the (very necessary) healing of past events and traumas in a person’s life. In complete contrast, coaching is focused on the now.
What do you need right now to help you become your best self and reach your future goals?
Not sure?
That’s what coaching is about.
Know what you need but not sure how to reach it?
That’s what coaching is about.
A coach is someone who will listen unbiasedly to you. Coaches offer a non-judgmental dialog and partnership that will lead you to your truth and your path. We’re not here to give advice or tell you what’s best for you. We’re here to help you accept that only you know what’s best for you and to help you look inside to find it so you can reach our goals and dreams whether these are business oriented, personal, spiritual, or whatever else.
Coaching Variety
While there are many coaches that prefer focusing on specific niches (specialties, so to speak) any life coach can help you break through the barriers you’re facing right now, on whatever the level.
Coaching, after all, is about you and your current situation, discovering what is setting you back, how to overcome these obstacles and create and plan of action customized to your needs.
This process is the same for all coaching topics from relationships, to business, to personal growth.
Some coaches also offer signature programs, workshops, and video instruction in addition to their one-on-one sessions. Here at Seizing Happy we offer a combination of signature programs, private sessions, and workshops. After all, it’s always all about each individual client’s needs.
Coaching is NOT free
Most investments aren’t, and that’s exactly what coaching is: an investment in yourself.
This of it this way, we spend so much money on car loans, gadgets, gifts for others and entertainment… How many of these things - and all the other things on which you spend your money- actually give back to you? How many make you feel better, stronger, more determined, more confident, clearer on your life goals?
We’ll wait…
That’s what a Life Coach is here to give to you.
When you make the decision to invest in yourself, to put your money where it matters most: in your growth and attaining of your goals, that’s when the cost of a Life Coach will no longer seem too high. When you realize that your happiness and fulfillment in this life is worth more than any item or brand you can purchase, you will easily allocate your money to invest in yourself because you’re worth it.
When that time comes, or if that time is now, we’re here for you.
Let’s get started!
Send us an email with your coaching needs and we will have someone on our team reach out within 24 hours.
Sending love and light your way...
GiGi Diaz
PS: Let's Connect on Instagram @GiGiDiazLIVE